Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Love in a lunchbox

Okay Ladies! Let me ask you a question? Do you love your man! I know that's a silly question - of course you love him! You'd do anything for him! Right? Do you get up in the morning and make him breakfast? Do you make him a lunch to take to work? I struggled with this one for years. He's a grown man and can make it himself. I make my own breakfast and lunch! No one does it for me! He can make his own too! You know what - I found I was missing the point. We love those we serve. If you don't already know this, men are different then us women! Nothing says I love you more than doing things for him because you love him. (Don't you feel special when he does things for you?) Getting up and making him some breakfast(then going back to bed!) Sending him off to work - for you - with a lunch so he doesn't have to leave work to buy some lunch or go without. Doing his laundry, folding his clothes, hanging up his shirts, keeping the house clean, taking care of your children, teaching them right from wrong, making him dinner and being romantic. We do a lot of things - because we love our family. That's why a mother loves her children so much - she does things for them. It's the same with our spouse, our lover, our friend, our confidant. I promise you that if you get up with him - be with him before he goes to work - make him breakfast and lunch - you will grow more and more in love with the man you married. And he'll grow more and more in love you! He'll see that you are selfless and really do care about him and really do love him. He'll go to work with a lighter step, with a smile on his face. The world could come crashing down on him, but he'll still be happy because his wife loves him enough to get up and make him lunch! So if there are still some of you out there that haven't started making your man some lunch I hope that you'll change your mind and love your man more! When you love them more, more love comes back to you.
A lunch made with love, for the people I love! (Right now I'm making lunch for 2! My honey and my son!)


Carl and Rebecca Family said...

I love this idea. Carl's grandma has made her husband breakfast every morning they've been married. I need to show my love more for my husband... so I liked this advice! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love this too...Justin gets lunch every once in a while...I am not a pro...and let me tell you, it makes a big difference in his mood when he gets back home (same when I get up and make breakfast). I will have to try harder!